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Brexit vote: could lead to a stay of execution for EU nationals but fuels employers’ growing concerns over loss of talent

January-16-2019 -

Comment by Jonathan Beech, Managing Director of Migrate UK, in reaction to the MPs voting against Theresa May’s Brexit deal. Posted in Opinion on 16 Jan 2019 Migrate UK is a law firm specialising solely in immigration law for organisations and individuals. Jonathan Beech has over 20 years' experience in the immigration sector. Prior to setting up Migrate UK in 2004, he gained extensive experience working and consulting in UK immigration for the UK Border Agency and two of the ‘Big Four’ global advisory firms, Ernst & Young and KPMG.  Jonathan is available for interviews and a photo is available on request. “Following MPs’ rejection of Theresa Mays’ Brexit deal and the pending confidence vote, whatever happens next whether it’s a renegotiation, another referendum or even a call for a general election, the closer we get to March 29 th then the greater likelihood of a stay of execution for EU nationals and of Article 50 being delayed. “Despite the outcome, this unprecedented uncertainty, anxiety and concern is continuing over the future of EU national workers and their dependents as well as employers trying to safeguard the skills they need to grow their business in times of uncertainty. “Employers struggling against a depleting workforce should take immediate action, to safeguard their skills. Where employers haven’t already done so, identify gaps in your current and future workforce and highlight whether they’ve got the means of remaining in the UK in the future, be this via a residence permit / card or settlement / permanent residency.  “Companies with genuine skilled vacancies should consider applying for a sponsor licence so they have access to a wider pool of talent. In addition, every business must have the correct permitted documentation to employ EU workers no matter what the outcome will be between now and March.”

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