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Smoothwall takes its SAFE Roadshow to Leeds’ Shakespeare Primary School in the battle for online safety

March-14-2018 -

Smoothwall teams up with ICT4Leeds and Leeds City Council on the initiative Posted in News archive on 14 Mar 2018 As part of its ongoing SAFE initiative to keep children safe online, leading web filter provider and internet safety company Smoothwall is spending two days in Leeds teaching pupils, teachers and parents the importance of online safety. Today Smoothwall, in collaboration with ICT4Leeds , is at Shakespeare Primary School, providing online safety workshops for students tackling topics including the potential risks of social media, stranger danger, online gaming and phone usage. They’ll also be discussing platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Musically. Julian Gorton, Head Teacher at Shakespeare Primary School said: "Keeping children safe and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to remain safe is a hugely important part of our role. The amount of time children spend online as well as the number and type of apps and games available is increasing at a rapid rate. We believe Smoothwall's full day workshop that has been tailored to the needs of our school will support our children with staying screen-safe in an interactive and engaging way. We are so pleased that the day will be focussed on some of the specific sites that parents and staff have raised concerns about recently." Following the online safety workshop, Smoothwall will be hosting its SAFE Masterclass at the Leeds Marriott Hotel on Wednesday, where its team of experts will be providing advice, best industry practice and information to anyone responsible for keeping children safe online in education. Claire Stead, Online Safety Expert at Smoothwall said: “There are now so many different platforms and tools that children gain access to, it can be overwhelming for those responsible for their protection to know where to start. That’s why education is key and we are on a mission to help teachers and parents know how to get ahead of it, and educate children on the potential dangers online. Our own research found that 62% of teachers don’t feel they are fully supported to teach children about online safety; that’s why  workshops and masterclasses such as these are vital. “We are delighted to be working with Leeds City Council who values our mission and has arranged for us to come to Shakespeare Primary School to talk to adults and pupils about using the internet responsibly. The internet should be a resource for learning, making connections and having fun. We want to ensure that people of all ages can enjoy the benefits of the web, whilst being aware of – and able to keep safe from – any potential harm.”

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